Lessons from the Slovak elections: when a third of voters believe wild conspiracies, the country is heading for a crash
Picture: The Ship of Fools.Early on Sunday morning, it became clear from the results of the Slovak elections that Progressive Slovakia will not be able to close the gap on Fico Smer's lead of about five percentage points. The winner of the election is likely to attempt a governing coalition with the parties Hlas-SD and the far-right SNS. In the end, Progressive Slovakia scored significantly only in Bratislava and its surroundings, Košice and Skalica. It will thus only have a say in the shape of the next government if Fico's attempt to form a government fails. However, there are no indications of this happening.The main lesson of the Slovak debacle is that if you let the disinformation ecosystem in your country operate so freely for years that a third of the population gradually comes to believe nonsense on the level of the "flat earth theory", you will seriously endanger the very possibility of rational political debate and the strategic interests of the whole society.